o femei nu s-a mai tuns de 17 ani

Nu s-a mai tuns de 17 ani. Cum a ajuns o tânără să aibă părul lung, până în pământ: ”Totul a pornit de la un pariu!”

Nu s-a mai tuns de 17 ani. Cum a ajuns o tânără să aibă părul lung, până în pământ: ”Totul a pornit de la un pariu!”

O femeie în vârstă de 34 de ani, care trăiește în orășelul Banaul, situat în sud-centrul Rusiei, a făcut înconjurul lumii după ce a dezvăluit că nu și-a mai tuns părul de 17 ani, mulți spunând că este o adevărată Rapunzel.

Daira Gubanova are acum 34 de ani și a ales să nu-și mai tundă părul în urmă cu 17 ani, după ce a făcut un pariu cu un prieten. Acum, părul ei măsoară aproape doi metri lungime și îi ajunge până în pământ.

EXCLUSIVE: Real-life 'Rapunzel' With Hair That Measures Almost Two Metres And Took 17 Years To Achieve Reveals Secret Routine To Keep Locks Healthy And Shiny
EXCLUSIVE: **NO NEW YORK POST OR NEWS CORP USAGES** Real-life 'RAPUNZEL' with hair that measures almost TWO METRES and took 17 YEARS to achieve reveals secret routine to keep locks healthy and shiny A real-life �Rapunzel’ has grown her hair almost two metres long – and has now revealed her secret routine to achieving thick and shiny locks. Daira Gubanova, 34, from Banaul, Russia started growing her hair when she was 14 as a �challenge’ with a friend to see who could achieve the longest tresses. Since then, she has embarked on a mission to continue growing her locks – with them now measuring 172 cm, a feat that has taken the mum 17 years to achieve. Daira has amassed over 184,000 followers on her Instagram page (@dashik_gubanova) where her luscious locks taking centre stage. Daira's followers shower her with praise for her gorgeous locks, as the mum proudly displays her long mane in her Instagram posts. One user wrote: "You are my favorite stunning, breathtakingly wonderful very long haired Goddess" Another added: "Goalsss gotta try grow mine out like this !" Meanwhile, one wrote: "Absolutely gorgeous and very beautiful" Her daughter, 11-year-old Evelina, features in some of her posts too – and the young girl plans to grow her hair as long as her mum. “Until I was 14 years old, I had long hair that was just above the knees,” Daira, who works in airport security and does hair modelling on the side, told Jam Press. “I cut it very short and then started to dye my hair. “One day, a friend of mine told me that she believed I couldn't grow my hair as long as hers, so I decided to challenge her and grew it even longer. “My daughter Evelina grows her hair long as well and wants to be just like her mother.” To keep her hair healthy and strong, Daira follows a strict hair routine every day – and has now revealed her top tips for others keen to improve their mane. The mum washes her hair twice a week and nourishes her scalp with treatment masks made up of essential vitamins and oils. She also applies leave-in cream every day and takes vitamins to keep her hair healthy and shiny. In the morning, Daira combs will comb and tie up her tresses, and never lets her hair down while walking in the street as her locks could catch onto things and get damaged. She said: “I wash my head twice a week and put some treatment masks made up of oils and vitamins. “I also use leave-in creams and oils and take vitamins for my hair. “Last year, I released my own shampoo and hair balm together with Organic Kitchen – I am using them at the moment. "I also use sea buckthorn oil from Natura Siberica and some leave-in hair creams and fluids. “In the morning, I comb my hair and style it in various braids or buns. “I don't walk down the street with my hair down as I can only afford to have my hair loose at home. “During the day, I redo my hair several times but, in the evenings, I comb my hair once more and style it in a loose braid. “I go to bed with my hair loose so that my head can rest as it’s tied up all day long.” As for haircuts, Daira cuts the ends of her hair slightly every year to keep her locks healthy and get rid of split ends. Due to the length, she sometimes get into �hair’ accidents as her locks tend to get caught on things. She said: “My hair often clings to the doorknobs. “Or on the buttons on my clothes and it takes a long while to untangle because my hair is so long. “Very often I hear this phrase, �your hair is lying on the floor’, which is when my hair accidentally slips out of my braid, and then everyone turns around to watch my locks dragging on the floor!” Daira has received mixed reactions about her unique look but says that men often compliment it. She said: “Men love my hair! “Girls do not always react positively, many do not understand why long hair should be managed. "Children and old people are delighted and love my locks!” In a few words of advice to others who wish to grow their hair long, Daira added: “I would like to advise people to be patient when growing their hair. "Do not spoil your hair and treat it with care. "Love and care for it!” Pictured: Daira Gubanova,Image: 600698766, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -AUS, -RUS, -GBR, Model Release: no

Kate Middleton, lecţie de stil în cea mai recentă vizită a sa. Cuplul regal s-a întors la locația nunții, devenită centru de vaccinare

Tânăra se mândrește cu un păr ondulat, blond, pe care nu l-a mai tuns de când era în școala generală și a făcut un pariu cu prietena ei. Ba mai mult, ea a reușit de-a lungul timpului să adune o comunitate de 184.000 de urmăritori pe Instagram, toți fiind impresionați de felul în care arată podoaba ei capilară.

Ea susține, însă, că cei mai mulți bărbați sunt impresionați de felul în care arată, în timp ce femeile sunt invidioase și o copleșesc uneori cu numeroase comentarii negative.

EXCLUSIVE: Real-life 'Rapunzel' With Hair That Measures Almost Two Metres And Took 17 Years To Achieve Reveals Secret Routine To Keep Locks Healthy And Shiny
EXCLUSIVE: **NO NEW YORK POST OR NEWS CORP USAGES** Real-life 'RAPUNZEL' with hair that measures almost TWO METRES and took 17 YEARS to achieve reveals secret routine to keep locks healthy and shiny A real-life �Rapunzel’ has grown her hair almost two metres long – and has now revealed her secret routine to achieving thick and shiny locks. Daira Gubanova, 34, from Banaul, Russia started growing her hair when she was 14 as a �challenge’ with a friend to see who could achieve the longest tresses. Since then, she has embarked on a mission to continue growing her locks – with them now measuring 172 cm, a feat that has taken the mum 17 years to achieve. Daira has amassed over 184,000 followers on her Instagram page (@dashik_gubanova) where her luscious locks taking centre stage. Daira's followers shower her with praise for her gorgeous locks, as the mum proudly displays her long mane in her Instagram posts. One user wrote: "You are my favorite stunning, breathtakingly wonderful very long haired Goddess" Another added: "Goalsss gotta try grow mine out like this !" Meanwhile, one wrote: "Absolutely gorgeous and very beautiful" Her daughter, 11-year-old Evelina, features in some of her posts too – and the young girl plans to grow her hair as long as her mum. “Until I was 14 years old, I had long hair that was just above the knees,” Daira, who works in airport security and does hair modelling on the side, told Jam Press. “I cut it very short and then started to dye my hair. “One day, a friend of mine told me that she believed I couldn't grow my hair as long as hers, so I decided to challenge her and grew it even longer. “My daughter Evelina grows her hair long as well and wants to be just like her mother.” To keep her hair healthy and strong, Daira follows a strict hair routine every day – and has now revealed her top tips for others keen to improve their mane. The mum washes her hair twice a week and nourishes her scalp with treatment masks made up of essential vitamins and oils. She also applies leave-in cream every day and takes vitamins to keep her hair healthy and shiny. In the morning, Daira combs will comb and tie up her tresses, and never lets her hair down while walking in the street as her locks could catch onto things and get damaged. She said: “I wash my head twice a week and put some treatment masks made up of oils and vitamins. “I also use leave-in creams and oils and take vitamins for my hair. “Last year, I released my own shampoo and hair balm together with Organic Kitchen – I am using them at the moment. "I also use sea buckthorn oil from Natura Siberica and some leave-in hair creams and fluids. “In the morning, I comb my hair and style it in various braids or buns. “I don't walk down the street with my hair down as I can only afford to have my hair loose at home. “During the day, I redo my hair several times but, in the evenings, I comb my hair once more and style it in a loose braid. “I go to bed with my hair loose so that my head can rest as it’s tied up all day long.” As for haircuts, Daira cuts the ends of her hair slightly every year to keep her locks healthy and get rid of split ends. Due to the length, she sometimes get into �hair’ accidents as her locks tend to get caught on things. She said: “My hair often clings to the doorknobs. “Or on the buttons on my clothes and it takes a long while to untangle because my hair is so long. “Very often I hear this phrase, �your hair is lying on the floor’, which is when my hair accidentally slips out of my braid, and then everyone turns around to watch my locks dragging on the floor!” Daira has received mixed reactions about her unique look but says that men often compliment it. She said: “Men love my hair! “Girls do not always react positively, many do not understand why long hair should be managed. "Children and old people are delighted and love my locks!” In a few words of advice to others who wish to grow their hair long, Daira added: “I would like to advise people to be patient when growing their hair. "Do not spoil your hair and treat it with care. "Love and care for it!” Pictured: Daira Gubanova,Image: 600698780, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -AUS, -RUS, -GBR, Model Release: no

De asemenea, tânăra este mama unei fetițe de 11 ani, pe nume Evelina, care plănuiește, de asemenea, să-și lase părul să crească, ca și mama ei.

Daira, care lucrează ca agent de securitate în aeroport și ca model în timpul liber, a mărturisit că a început să-și lase părul să crească în adolescență. Atunci, ea și l-a tuns foarte scurt și l-a vopsit, iar o prietenă i-a spus că nu va putea niciodată să-l lase să crească. Acesta a fost momentul în care a decis că vrea să aibă părul lung.

Citește și: Mădălina Ghenea, apariție spectaculoasă la brațul lui Al Pacino în ”House of Gucci”. Imaginile cu românca sunt virale

În ceea ce privește ritualul ei de îngrijire, tânăra a mărturisit că își spală părul de două ori pe săptămână și folosește uleiuri esențiale pentru a-l hidrata. De asemenea, deseori urmează cure cu vitamine. Ba mai mult, anul trecut și-a lansat o linie de produse pentru îngrijirea părului, precum un șampon și un balsam obținut din ingrediente naturale.

Credit foto: Profimedia Images

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